Hi everyone!!! So here is our daily...um, weekly...um, monthly...yearly?? update!!
Obviously, I've unfortunately been WAY behind in posting. Reason? Well, it is most likely due to the end of school, a busy summer filled with lots of traveling, lots of visitors, birthday parties, laundry, housework, household management...oh, yeah, and having two babies. That
may have contributed to my hectic schedule...a little, right?
Ahem.Fast forward to where we're currently at:
Madison had a fabulous two year old birthday party (okay, several of them), is talking up a storm, speaks in sentences now, says all her ABC's on her own, can count to ten on her own, is a gymnast (we're starting gymnastics in September), and loves to sing songs. She weighs 32 lbs and is 39" tall. At 98th percentile!
Hunter is doing wonderfully! He babbles non-stop - the doctor even said it was advanced for his age, how much he talks and the fact that he can stand on his own against taller objects. He is
almost crawling and can sit up on his own for a long period of time. He just got his second tooth! At his 6 month visit, he weighed 20 lbs on the dot!! Healthy boy! He is very tall, too, at 28.5", which currently puts him in the 90th percentile. Who cares about percentiles...I just want to record it for the future.
Mark is doing very well. He recently received a promotion and new position at work. He is really enjoying it. Of course, he's still working 12-15 hr days, but I'm very proud of his hard work. As SOON as he gets home, he immediately jumps in to help feed/bathe, play with the kids, wash dishes, put kids to bed, spend time with me. Such a great husband and father.
I'm doing great, too! I love being able to stay home as a full time mom. I wouldn't want it any other way. It is a lot of hard work and requires lots of patience (this "terrible two" stage is no joke), but so, so worth it. I feel very fortunate to be able to stay home. Although we love our awesome friends in Beaumont, another move couldn't come soon enough!
Last Sunday, I flew out to Portland with the kiddos (that story will come later!) all by myself, to help prepare for my sister's wedding! We'll be here for almost the whole month of August. Lots of little details to take care of, so we have been crazy busy. I'm hosting her Bachelorette Party in Seattle next weekend, as well as her Bridal Brunch the morning of the wedding. I'm very excited about both.
So, without further ado, I'm going to start from where I last left off and eventually get us up to speed.

Hunter at 3 months old...what a handsome lil' man! I am
so in love with him.

Madison: April 2009

Buh-bye! Goin' to take my walk!

Ugh, do we really have to do this

Naked golf!
Okay, let me explain...she's just in this stage where when we're in our own back yard, Madison always wants to take all her clothes off. I hope...pray...it will pass. I mean, it's
really, really hot where we live, so who could blame her?!