Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Madison 7 months

First trip to the library
At our first library class - 12 Mommies/Babies attended, but this was at the end of class.Mark and Danae at Exxon party (I'll post more pictures soon)
What is this big pink bow on my head?
Closeup of those pretty blues!
So happy I am 7 months old!
Okay, let's have a chat about this woman with the camera.
I love to play!
Today, we are getting ready for Sarah and Dave to visit. They fly in tomorrow and we have a busy week/weekend ahead of us, full of many celebrations. Why? Well, I turn the big 3-0! Can't believe it. I used to think 30 was "so old"! But, instead of getting ahead of myself, let's back up...

Two weekends ago (Jan 19), Mark had his Exxon Annual party. It was a blast! It was at the beautiful Hotel Zsa Zsa in the museum district. We had great food, great music, and a couple fun casino themed rooms. Last week, Madison and I started a great class at the Library called "Mother Goose Time". Here, we do exercises, stretches, read a story, sing songs and play with a great big parachute. She loves it! We went twice last week. (We attempted to go again this morning, but as I was opening the door...madison threw up her breakfast. I was jostling her way too much too soon after she ate. Needless to say, we both needed a shower and didn't make it to the class.) Madison is finally scooting around a little and rolling all over the place outside of her crib now! However, lately, instead of scooting to get from one side of the room to the other, she just rolls over and over again until she makes it. It's pretty funny. I hope she crawls soon! However, it's still nice to be able to go out to a restaurant with her just sitting in her seat contently. She behaves so well when we go shopping and run errands...which we had a lot to do last week. Her new favorite DVDs are the Praise Baby series. She also likes the Baby IQ DVD that Great Uncle Tom and Great Aunt Becky gave to her. Better go for now, but here are some new pics!

Happy Birthday shout-outs to my DAD (Jan 27) and to Courtney Latta (Jan 29)!

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