Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Update 1/07

I went to the doctor yesterday for another BPP. We had a great report, praise the Lord.

- Amniotic fluid = 11
- Baby's weight = 7.1 oz, but not accurate b/c date of measurement was too close to our last weigh-in. Get more accurate number if measured every other week. So, probably will be about 7 and a half lbs when born?
- Placenta maturing, but no worries b/c it's almost time for him to be delivered.
- ST ratio good, no restriction of blood flow, heartbeat good. All levels have increased, actually, and look better than they did compared to last week!
- Weighed in at two pounds lighter! Second highlight of my day... hahaha...

As the doctor walked into the room:

Dr. S: Well, you actually did make it to 2009!

Me: Yep! Just like I told you! We made our goal. ...Did you think we would?

Dr. S: Nope, honestly not at all.

Me: When did you think the baby would be born?

Dr. S: I wasn't sure the baby would even make it, Danae.

Me: When did you think the baby would need to be taken?

Dr. S: The day you were admitted in Houston.

Me: Well, thank God that didn't happen.

Dr. S: Yes, and then fortunately, our job of doing what we did to keep the baby inside, worked.

Me: Yep, no doubt in my mind. :)

Because of the nature of my contractions, happening more frequently and not just at night, doctor said not to be surprised if baby's born this week. Um, Mark's not here. Not good. But, he didn't see anything that pointed towards this being imminent, so that's good. I have high hopes and don't think it will happen this week.

Except for last night. I was contracting quite a bit. If I contract five times in an hour, I need to go to the hospital and call the doctor on the way there, not to wait at home and call the doctor. In 45 mins, I contracted 4 times. Continued to occur, but I did everything they told me to do - drink lots of water, switch positions, lay on left side, etc. And it worked, as the contractions subsided.

Today has been lots better with far fewer contractions. I have been unusually tired lately, sleeping quite a bit last night and so sleepy/not feeling well today. So, have not done too much except some phone calls, Madison went to the ENT for a routine tube checkup and my neighbor, who is a hair stylist, kindly highlighted my hair so I wouldn't look too bad in any upcoming bringing-home-baby pictures! Amen. Thank God for that.


Anonymous said...

Best of luck with everything...we love you all!

Allison said...

Glad to hear that you are STILL pregnant and doing so well. Can't wait to see pictures of little Hunter.

Ariana Chin said...

So happy to hear all the great news about you and Hunter doing so well!

BTW, I meant to tell you about our little story of Elijah's middle name the last time I wrote you. You see, Bill and I couldn't agree on a middle name for Elijah before he was born. Therefore we were going to give Elijah two middle names: Alexander Michael. However, I had a C-section with Elijah and Bill was the one who filled out his birth cert application. The space for middle name was very very tiny on the application and Bill just asked me, "Uh...Is it okay if we only put Michael for Elijah's middle name?" Well, of course, that was okay because it's my first choice! If I was the one who filled out Elijah's birth cert app, I would have just squeezed the two names in the tiny spot. Anyway, just want to share with you. ...Both Ariana and Elijah love the picture of Madison and your mom with the kitchen steel bowls on their heads. ~ Vinny =)