Saturday, January 31, 2009

Update 1/31

This has been a really busy week, filled with lots of appointments, very little sleep, but lots of joy and laughter. Wanted to write an update on the kids last Pedi well-visit.

Hunter 2 week well visit:
Weight: 8 lbs 3 oz (50th percentile)
Height: 21 3/4" (70th percentile)

Madison 18 month well visit:
Weight: 29 lbs (95th percentile)
Height: 34" (95th percentile)

Both kids checked out very healthy. Madison is on track with her speech/vocabulary and more advanced with her small motor skills. The doctor was impressed she could hold a crayon correctly, build buildings and work puzzles for up to age 3 all on her own. She babbles constantly, but only says a few dozen words (without her just mimicking us). She eats a good variety of food, as we try to limit sugars and carbs and not too much dairy, but also push veggies and fruits. After explaining some of Madison's newly exhibited social anxiety, the doctor explained that she experienced a lot of stress during the time when I was away in the hospital and even when I was at home, yet not able to fully act like "Mommy". He said that in a couple months, she would be just fine. Hunter is doing well and such a joy. He is my little buddy. He sleeps well some nights. Other nights, it seems like he is awake all night long. He is exhibiting a little bit of the "silent reflux" like Madison had, so we started him on medicine for it. (Silent reflux is where they have the acid reflux in their espophagus, but never actually spit up. The pain causes a lot of discomfort, still.) Also, in order for me to get more sleep and be able to take care of two kids successfully, we are introducing a bit of formula at some of his feedings. I still nurse him at the majority of his feedings now, but will eventually and gradually transition to some bottles. It was a difficult decision for me (and a long story, which I'll write about later!), yet it is the right decision for myself and especially my family!

We've had a great week with my parents here and we are so, so grateful for all of the help they've given to us! Madison has loved playing indoors and outdoors with my mom and dad. My dad bought Madison her very own keyboard, on which they've had "piano lessons" - it is so cute. My mom has been a huge help to me this week, getting up to help with feedings at night, walk Hunter around in the middle of the night, do laundry every day, clean house, etc. On Tuesday, we celebrated my Dad's birthday with a big Mexican meal from a nearby restaurant. Thank you, Aunt Jan, for the money you gifted us to go out to eat together!! We also celebrated with an icecream cake. On Thursday evening, I met my girlfriends here at a wonderful little restaurant for dinner. It was wonderful to see them and have some girl time. Last night, Mark and I went out to eat to celebrate my birthday - alone! We hadn't done that since before we moved here, can you believe it?! He took me to a Japanese restaurant and we enjoyed it so much. My birthday is Monday, but we are getting a cake and celebrating tonight as a family. We also are meeting with a photographer this evening in attempt to get some pictures of the kids...wish us luck!

1 comment:

Ariana Chin said...

So happy to hear both children are doing so well and passing with flying colors at the doctor's office. I know this is a little early, but have a very happy birthday, Danae! You have the best birthday gifts from God: Madison and Hunter!! ~ Vinny =)