Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Update 12/30

Wow, do we really have only one more day left in 2008? Another mother recently told me, "As a mother, sometimes the days can pass by so slowly...yet the years pass by so quickly." I think that is so true, especially with young children.

Anyhow, wanted to post an update on new info! Have not been able to post because we've had a pretty sick household...more on that below.

I went to the OB today. We got a good report on our BPP:

- Baby weighs 7 lb 3 oz! (Was told with the technical margin of error, he could be 5-6 oz larger or 5-6 oz smaller.)
- Amniotic fluid = 11 (14 is average, they just don't want it below 10, preferably. But, this far along, fluid level is expected to drop anyhow.)
- No restriction of blood flow in umbilical cord
- Heart rate good
- Scored 8 out of 8 in overall health and movement today - Good Boy!!
- The placenta is beginning to age prematurely, unfortunately, more quickly than is normal. However, we're not in the danger zone yet and he's still receiving nutrients and O2. The degeneration should be a slow progression, so they're not too worried about it at this point of time, but will keep eye on it in case need to deliver him sooner. Will likely be okay, though.
- I (my uterus) am measuring at 35 weeks, but the baby is measuring a little over 37 weeks...which means little room for him and major discomfort for me! Oh well, it is all so, so worth it! 2 more weeks!
- He is breech, now with one leg up and one leg extended down. A slight risk his foot will puncture the bag and make my water break, but hopefully (and likely) this won't happen. If so, no big deal as they'll go ahead and deliver. Just told not to wait and call, but go ahead and get to hospital. Only bad thing is if he pushes his cord out, too. Again, this likely won't happen.
- Weight gain...oh my gosh. Seriously, I can't believe I'm posting this, but since it is my "journal" and I've made the decision that it is somewhat public...oy. Anyhow, I have now passed the mark of weight gain I had with Madison's pregnancy. I guess that makes sense, since I am farther along. 26 lbs total gain! This includes starting from the lowest point, after I actually lost 4 lbs in my first trimester due to morning sickness. But anyhow, if you figure it that way, it's 26 lbs total. The thing is I'm gaining like 3 lbs a week now that I am home and eating everything in sight. Really, is that necessary? I just can't help myself. Waffles at 11 pm are just way too tempting. He needs it, right?? When the nurse told me my weight today, I was in total disbelief and told her it was my heavy jewelry I was wearing. Hey, it could be the reason, right? Right?

Back to our sick household... how I want to invest in Lysol stock, as we are spraying it constantly, everywhere... My mom took Madison to the Pedi, per Urgent Care doctor's recommendation, on Monday. Madison appears to be feeling much better, praise the Lord. Her coughing and breathing are better. She is playing and very active, yet her appetite and sleep quality are definitely suffering still. Still has a double ear infection, but doesn't appear as severe.

Mark was so sick on Monday, that he stayed home from work. In all the 8+ years we've been together, he's only done this twice before. So, I knew it was pretty serious. He was able to get into the doctor again today and they gave him stronger meds for an upper respiratory infection.

My mom started to feel really crummy, with an upper respiratory infection, so went to Urgent Care tonight. I feel so badly for her!

Yesterday, I woke up feeling pretty crummy as well. Today, I woke up feeling like I got hit by a truck. I was/am miserable with a sinus infection. My doctor prescribed a few things (though not strong meds, so I hope these current meds work) and said let's wait and see if things get better before going on stronger meds. Seriously, to be so sick...AND be nine months pregnant on top of it? It really sucks. I didn't ever reach the nine month mark when pregnant with Madison. Man, this is no joke! Things are a LOT more uncomfortable at nine months. Wow. I feel I can hardly move! And now I can't breath, can't think, my eyes are watering and I'm sneezing and coughing like crazy. Fun times, huh?

So, yes, we have a sick household. I just want to air out and sanitize the whole place! But, I am positive we are on the road to recovery now!


The Arnold Family said...

I hope everyone gets better before Hunter comes. With Vera I had a cold/sinus infection for over a month until she was delivered and then it was all of a sudden, she was delivered and I wasn't sick any longer. Very strange!

a boy a girl and a pug said...

I'm so behind on reading blogs, but I was so thrilled to read that you have been home for a little bit! yeah! so sorry y'all are sick...hope you get to feeling better. happy new year!