Monday, October 20, 2008

Highlights of 10/20

Today's Highlights

Doctor's report:
- Game plan: I'm to lay here for two weeks (I'd be 28 wks pregnant), when doctors will do their next assessment. (The only thing that would change that, is if my water starts to break or I have bleeding.) Through tests and ultrasound, they'll look at uterus, baby and cervix. If things look ideal, then they'll consider letting me do my bedrest at home. Or, they may wait another two weeks (30 wks pregnant) and do another assessment.
- Baby doing well. Found a few heart arrhythmia's while monitoring the baby, but not worried about them because baby is so young still and this can by typical.
- Few contractions throughout the day, but nothing to worry about.

Madison's doctor's report regarding last week's EEG
No answer yet - hope to speak to doctors tomorrow.

Other highlights...
- I got a beautiful bouquet basket of flowers from Dixon and Elaine with a teddy bear. Except, now they are not so full because a certain 16 month old decided to play with the flowers, pull apart petals and throw them on Mommy's bed.
- Nothing says "Well, you'll definitely be in here for the long-haul", like receiving a large, hearty potted plant in your hospital room. ...Thanks, Dad. Hahahahaha. I laughed out loud. It was great. I can always count on my dad to send me flowers (or plants) often throughout the years.
- I got to see Madison tonight!!!! It was wonderful - a rejuvenation and refreshing. She had a smile from ear to ear! I fed her dinner and we played on my bed. A little hard with my IV's, but oh well. I savor each moment with her, like you can't even imagine. I want to bottle up her sweet scent. I want to keep some of her curls to feel through my fingers. I want to permanently photograph in my mind all of the new teeth she's getting. I want to record her funny songs she sings. I want to be able to always feel her tiny toes. It was a great night.
- The Strep B test came back negative, so I can stop antibiotics for that. Also, my cold has gone away, too! As of tomorrow, they will probably remove my IV, i'm hoping.

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