Monday, October 20, 2008

Letters from Mommy 10/20

To my precious Madison,

Happy 16 month birthday today, sweetie!! Wow, 16 months - you are such a big girl! Mommy wishes she could be with you right now to celebrate. If I could see you right now, I'd give you kisses all over your face and we would "squeeze, squeeze, squeeze" each other in hugs. If I could see you right now, I would tickle your neck and your knees - my favorite tickle spots. If I could see you right now, I would play peek-a-boo with you under a blanket. I just got off the phone with Miss Tana and she said you have been a very good girl for everyone! I know you must be having lots of fun playing with new toys. I heard your sweet voice in the background and you started to cry because you were tired. Hearing that melted my heart. How Mommy wanted to reach through the phone and kiss your tears away. It breaks my heart that I can't do that right now, but just think of all the hugs you will get from other people who love you! Daddy also misses you so much! His heart ached when he had to leave you yesterday as you were holding onto him; he never wanted to let you go! He had a great weekend taking care of you and can't wait to see you again soon. Be a brave little girl, be good for Miss Tana and Mr Mark, and Mommy will see you really soon!

I love you,


To my precious baby Hunter,

Have I told you how proud I am of you? You stayed inside Mommy for two more days - yay! You are growing and growing. You are such a big boy already, measuring ahead of schedule! And your favorite times of the day are when Mommy eats. You love food! Mommy is getting a lot of it here, that's for sure. And, boy, are you active. Many people here at the hospital tell Mommy how much energy you have. We've spent lots of time together today. I've been able to listen to your sweet heartbeat for most of the day and how you swim in Mommy's belly. Enjoy it while you can because soon there won't be as much room! I can see, feel and hear all of your kicks and punches. I hope you are very happy; you make your Mommy very happy. I look at your sweet face in the picture I have of you right next to me. Hunter, you continue to be a strong boy and keep enjoying yourself inside of Mommy! I will do all that I can do to keep you safe, I promise. Jesus is holding you now until Mommy and Daddy can hold you.

I love you,


1 comment:

Trista & Chris said...

Keeping you and your precious family in my prayers. Is. 41:10