Sunday, October 19, 2008

To clarify a few things...

I want to explain a few things, only because it is on my heart. No one has compelled me to explain these things, I just want to do it.

PLEASE, it is very important to me that you know I fully understand and recognize how blessed we are. I in NO way think that what we are going through now with Hunter's pregnancy, or what we went through with Madison's conception and pregnancy, or whatever we go through as a family is the worst/most difficult thing anyone has ever gone through. I understand many, including dear friends, have gone through so much worse in their lives (including their struggles with infertility, pregnancy, or their babies lives) and I do not try to negate that or rise above that. What I write about, is simply what is going on in our family's life. I absolutely recognize that although we are going through very difficult times, we are still so blessed and need to be thankful for so many reasons.

Why am I sharing these personal thoughts and details on my blog?
Firstly, because I love my family and close friends. I know they love us, too. In reading this blog, they can easily get updated information in one place. It is easy for them because they are dispersed across the country, and easy for us! Although I don't share every personal detail and some things I definitely keep private, I am comfortable with sharing the information below. It also provides a way for others to know how they can pray for us. Secondly, it feels like "good therapy" to get my thoughts on "paper". Thirdly, it is a great way for me to keep a journal where I can record all of our memories to read in the future.

That's all!

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