Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Surprise # 1

Yes, that is has been a GREAT day! Not only because Hunter's heart has appeared strong and there have been only a few contractions...but because I received several incredible surprises.

Surprise #1:

This morning, Jamie, my good friend/neighbor in Beaumont (of whom I've spoken often) came to visit me with her sweet daughter, Avery. She was a site to see when walking through my door: Avery on Jamie's chest in a Baby Bjorn, gift bags hanging on her shoulders, and a stroller carting a giant basket full of fabulous gifts, goodies and treats for me from all of our wonderful neighbors in Beaumont! Seriously, I can't even describe it. I am sure that no one in the hospital has received such lavish gift baskets and gifts. My mouth dropped to the floor. I was immediately humbled and felt a blanket of love, care and support immediately rush over me.

I am more than grateful...and to think these families have only known us for five short months! And love us this much already. We would absolutely do the same for them, that's what friends do!

There were so many fantastic and creative items included: Yankee Candles with a candle warmer (good thinking, since I can't actually burn the candles) to make my room smell nice, lotions, slippers, maternity/nursing pajamas, about 2 dozen DVD's, about a dozen books, magazines, CHOCOLATE, game book, salty snacks, nail polish and other toiletries, Tummy Honey Butter, devotional book, decorative sign, and many cards. My friend, Chris, from our playgroup and pre-school, sent a special gift for Madison, too! It touched my heart. Her family gave Madison her very own Doctor's Kit, made by Parents Magazine especially for her age.

Do I have some great neighbors, or what? Jamie, Avery and I had a fabulous visit together...Avery dined on lunch and played while Jamie and I chatted along. So much fun.

I will forever be grateful.

Here is a picture I snapped with my cell phone (I won't be able to upload pics from my good camera until this weekend) after opening everything...everything was tied with pretty bows, etc.

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