Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Update 10/29/08 2:30 pm

Hunter and I were on the heart monitor until about 2:30 am last night. (We usually monitor for thirty minutes at a time, around 10 am, 4 pm and 10 pm - sometimes the times get pushed, dependent on how busy the nurses are with other patients.) He had some dips in his heartbeat, but nothing too extreme - just something they wanted to keep their eyes on. Again, this is usually due to cord compression (sitting on it, twisting in it) sometimes very typical in a baby this young when they have more room to swim and play around. Anyhow, the doctor came to me today and said she didn't like what she saw - it may be nothing to worry about, but she wants to take a closer look at the patterns and the dips and will then come and talk to me at about 7 or 8 pm tonight. I am not scared, but very optimistic and positive that everything will be just fine. I know that the main reason I feel that way is because God has given me a real peace about things. Secondly, I know things can change daily and so it's best to "go with the flow" and to "roll with it". Thirdly, I know how many things happen in a pregnancy that are just unexplainable - and would happen in a normal, healthy pregnancy, but eventually work themselves out. Regardless, please pray this is the case, and I will keep you posted.

Here are some pics my mom took with her cell phone...Some new things about Madison:

1. Madison is giving Tyson LOTS of hugs. Sometimes she wraps her arms around him, other times her "hugs" are more like head-butts. Anyway, he tolerates her so well.
2. Since Madison was about 14 months old, she has been playing with legos, building things. She is like her father. She is getting really good at it and is building towers of about 4-8 blocks high at a time - all by herself. Her hand-eye coordination is pretty well.
3. She loves to watch "Dancing with the Stars". Which is funny, because she shows no interest in any other TV. She was absolutely captivated, apparently, when that Lord of the Dance dude danced on Tuesday night's show. Like, she totally stopped what she was doing, turned her whole body around, sat Indian-style on the floor and would not look away from watching the TV.

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