Hunter and I woke up and watched the Macy's Thanksgiving parade during breakfast. Then, I put on a new outfit (yes, larger pants), got ready, and tidied my room in preparation for family to visit. (Oh, that sounds pitiful, doesn't it?) It was a little sad and lonely spending most of the day alone...until I decided that no, I wasn't alone...I was spending it with my little boy(...although I can't see him and he's more like my invisible friend right now). But then, around 1 pm, Mark, Madison and Mark's parents arrived.
Thank you, Lord, that Madison smiled at me right away and gave me a big hug. My heart overflowed with happiness. She was all decked out in her Thanksgiving dress. My mother-in-law, Elaine, had cooked the day prior and Thanksgiving morning. They had brought our Thanksgiving meal and dessert in Tupperware containers. She even thought to bring a few table decorations, place mats and cloth napkins.
The food was wonderful!! Definitely the best meal I've had in the six weeks I've been here, if not longer! Turkey and gravy, dressing, mashed potatoes with bell peppers, and my favorite asparagus casserole. For dessert, she made a pumpkin log. I ate until mine and little Hunter's hearts were content. Oh, but the state of discomfort afterward! I seemed to forget that while pregnant, small meals are ideal...not very much room to store the food anymore. Mark and Elaine packed up leftovers for me to put in the patient fridge...and sure enough, I ate them again for a late dinner last night.
We had lots of fun watching Madison play around the room. She enjoyed teething on the outside of snack size twix bars I have in my room...and successfully worked her way through the wrapper of one...before we saw chocolate all over her mouth and realized what she'd done. She hides these twix bars and my nurse found a few at the foot of my bed (I swear, I wasn't hiding them) last week. We went outside, which was fabulous...except for the incredibly HOT weather here yesterday! What is it with this weather? It certainly did not feel like holiday weather...
After a few hours, it was time for them to head back home. It never gets any easier saying goodbye, especially to my little girl. I hope to see them again this weekend, but Mark went to the doctor today sick with flu symptoms. Hopefully, he'll be feeling better really soon.
Later yesterday evening, I Skyped with my parents, sister/fiance, cousins, aunts and uncles who were together celebrating the holiday in Seattle. It was great to be able to see/talk to them on video (we do that quite often) - it felt almost as if I was right there with them!
Last night, I ordered our Christmas cards as well as some for Elaine. I also (finally) uploaded pictures to our photo site. You may view them here: There are a LOT of pictures in these folders - only because I am using them for various projects including some upcoming photobooks. So, if you take a look, it's probably best to just skim through the thumbnail view!
We are praying for my grandfather (my dad's dad) who had to go back into the hospital in Charlotte yesterday. He had gall bladder surgery on Tuesday, but was allowed to come home. Later, he began having some post surgery complications. He had an MRI and cat-scan today and we are awaiting results. My Aunt Chris, who is an ER nurse in Southern California, flew out to be with my them.
Today, I am enjoying looking through some holiday magazine issues, listening to Christmas music, and going to begin to redecorate my room for Christmas. Oy, three holidays in the hospital...well, here's to making the best of it!
Dixon, Danae, Mark, Madison, Elaine

Mark, Madison, Dixon and Elaine