Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Update 11/11

I received an ultrasound this morning...and we got GREAT news!!

- Baby Hunter is GROWING!! We are ahead of the curve. He weighs 3 lbs 7 oz, which is in the 54th percentile, so a little above average. I am measuring at 30 weeks - a few days ahead of schedule. Doctor said, "What do they feed you here? Keep it up. Eat more." ...Ok! So my ham sandwich at 11 pm last night was a good thing, right?
- Amniotic fluid measured 14 - which is the average amount! So, it has increased from 6.6 (two weeks ago) to 14. Doctor said to keep laying down and keep drinking a lot.
- No restriction of blood in umbilical cord.
- No funneling of fluid (water no longer looks like it's on verge of breaking)
- Dilated 1-2 cm, but nothing the doctor is worried about

The doctor said that, assuming I continue this same type of bed rest, I could go home today! I was happy, but I looked at him quizzically. He then said that if we wanted to be safe, I could stay here two more weeks and we'd do another assessment to make sure. Well, as MUCH as I want to go home and see my family, I opted to actually stay in the hospital at least another two more weeks. I feel that this is best for the baby. As we've all seen, things can change daily/weekly. So, considering our pregnant history and the fact that we don't have a level 3 NICU back home, I feel I need to stay here to make sure we do what's safest for the baby. Plus, the last two weeks actually scared the living daylights out of me... Mark said he's very proud of me for (finally) acting quite conservatively. :)

The doctor I saw today is known for being a more laid-back, less conservative physician - I completely trust him, for he is the expert. But, I am looking forward to speaking to Dr. Adams tomorrow, who is very conservative - just to get a second opinion on the "going home" issue. I also hope to find out further results on blood tests taken within the last two weeks.

Although we don't know what kind of news tomorrow (the future) holds, I will celebrate TODAY's news! Isn't it wonderful?? God is GOOD!! He answered our prayers!

Thank you, sweet Jenna Marsack (5 years old) for the Turkey picture! Lynn and Raymond, it was wonderful to see you today! And I thoroughly enjoyed my cheeseburger... :)

I received a very kind email from Amazing Grace, who is praying for us. I appreciate all of your prayers and enouragement, beyond words. Included was this passage:

Psalm 16:5-11

"Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.

I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.

I have set the Lord always before me.

Because he is at my right hand,I will not be shaken.

Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay.

You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."


Courtney said...

Great news! So glad you had a good report and Hunter is doing so well!

The Arnold Family said...

YEA!!! We have been praying for you each night before bedtime...we'll continue to do so!!

Anonymous said...

cute website D! i am so happy to hear about your good news, i wasn't aware of the complications. i was excited to chat about pregnancy woes with you, as i am 37 weeks with my emily claire, but goodness! you have had it much crazier than my silly issues of swollen ankles or hunger at 4am. much love and a big ole southern whooo hoooo on reaching 30 wks and hunter doing great. love, rachel sims

Allison said...

What a relief!!! You've done a great job-- I can only imagine what hard work bed rest is! If I were you, they'd have had to transer me to the mental ward by now!

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! Wonderful news! Our Lord is amazing and His grace is overflowing! I will let Ariana and Elijah know that Baby Hunter is getting stronger each day. Tonight, Ariana was praying for Baby Hunter before her bedtime. She didn't mention your name in her prayer because she said, "Baby Hunter's mommy." Elijah immediately interrupted the prayer, "Miss Danae, Miss Danae, Miss Danae..." So cute... BTW, thanks for another Mrs. Miller photo.

Vinny =)